WARP Lecture & Workshop:

Tiara Roxanne – ‘The Grammar of Gathering’

4 pm / Helmholtz Zentrum für Kulturtechnik | Haus 3 | Philippstr. 13, 10115 Berlin |
In this workshop, Roxanne will engage with Fred Moten’s “Grammar of Gathering,” as a kind of network being woven into and through with regard to digital attunement. We will then formulate an understanding of Roxanne’s work on digital attunement through collective and individual body memory. How does collective and individual body memory shape our current grammar of gathering, on and offline? How do we weave our collective and individual body memory toward a digital attunement that asserts sovereignty?
Tiara Roxanne is a (Purhépecha / Tarascan) Mestiza scholar and artist based in Berlin. They are currently a Postdoctoral Fellow at Data & Society in the Trustworthy Infrastructures research team, developing protocols of trust and safety online with Indigenous communities based in Central and South America.